
It often happens to see accumulations of fat on our own body that can withstand any type of physical activity and the the diet. The body loses its original harmony causing, especially in women who care about their forms, a lack of pleasure in looking in the mirror and a consequent decrease in self-esteem.

There is a remedy for this unpleasant condition: the liposuction. It is a surgery that reshapes the the body by eliminating excess fat that deposits in specific areas. In this way the body regains equilibrium and makes the woman more beautiful and charming than before.





* Photos taken in different lighting conditions

The procedure

A first medical appointment allows me to understand my patient's wishes, assess her health and find the most suitable solutionby explaining the potential risks and the achievable results.

The liposuction is characterized by the use of a very tiny cannula. After making a small incision under the skin, I insert the tube until it reaches the fat around the interested area. Then I crush the excess fat and I aspirate it. After completing the aspiration, I stitch the incision.

As with any surgery, at the end, bruising is likely to occur. A natural and transient phenomenon that dissolves in about fifteen days. Usually I prescribe painkillers to my patients to help alleviate possible discomforts.

During the recovery period I recommend the use of an elastic garment for about a month. After seven days small sutures are removed then after one month I meet the patient again to check the improvements and check the initial results obtained: it may take up to 3 months to have a harmonious body, in balance and beautiful to show.

Frequently asked questions

Doubts or questions? It's only natural to have any! Below I try to answer the most frequent ones. For further clarification you can write to me at any time, I will answer as soon as possible.
01. Do you have to be fasting to support the operation?
Yes, since it is general anaesthesia, you should not eat or drink for about six hours before the operation.
02. Is it necessary to stop smoking before the operation?
Yes. In order to promote rapid recovery and reduce the risk of infection, smokers should refrain from smoking, starting at least two weeks before the operation.
03. Is it not recommended to take medication before treatment?
It is not recommended, but there is a possibility that it is necessary to stop taking them.
04. Where can fat be settled in the body?
Fat can settle in thighs, hips, legs, abdomen, gluteus, back, arms, inside knees or below the chin. In order to ensure that the results of the treatment are optimal, it is suggested to lose weight before undergoing the procedure.
05. How long does the surgery last?
The surgery, which can be performed under general, spinal or epidural anaesthesia, takes between two and three hours.
06. Is all excess fat removed?
No, it is not removed completely, it is left in some strategic points. The procedure therefore has a localized action and has the advantage of minimizing tissue trauma by limiting swelling, bruising and pain. For its remodelling action liposuction is renamed liposculpture.

My approach

In my many years of experience, and thanks to the patients I have met, I have developed an approach which I use for each surgery.

The first appointment

It is the basis of my aesthetic renewal process, in which I like to establish a direct relationship with my patient.

The surgery

I operate with my patient's wishes and achievable results in mind to ensure an excellent result and a swift post-operative course.

After the surgery

I will see every patient personally in their follow ups, monitoring the patient until his complete recovery. Every one of my patient will have contact with 24 hrs for any advice and I give a life time care.
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